
I wrote my first script during my 6th period class as a senior in high school. I was so bored (sorry Mrs. Noonan) that I decided to pull out my folder and start writing. I finished my first draft in a couple of months. It had to be one of the greatest stories ever told! Almost 20 years later, I ran across that very screenplay and almost cried from embarrassment. It was trash. But that sparked the desire to write my first book.

The ability to express one’s self through various genres is probably one of the greatest self-healing practices in creative writing. It lets me speak about serious issues and work them in an elaborate storyline, while allowing others to confront a difficult past.

Being the introvert that I am (as most authors seem to be), there are entire worlds in my head with characters that feel a lot like family. My job is to pull you into these worlds, introduce you to these characters, and let them live rent free in your head as they've lived in mine.